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“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the
How Do I End My Essay? Part 2
A lot of writers struggle to finish their essays. The philosophical reflection is one of our favorite techniques. Here’s how you do it. Part 2 in a 5 part series.
How Do I End My Essay? Part 3
A lot of writers struggle to finish their essays. Connecting to something larger is one of our favorite techniques. Here’s how you do it. Part 3 in a 5 part series.
Hook Technique 7: Provide Background Information
Think of this technique as getting your readers caught up so that they might follow your logic.
Hook Technique 2: Setting the Scene
With this hook you drop the reader directly into a compelling scene or setting.
Hook Technique 1: The Expert
Begin this hook by introducing an expert on the topic who provides a knowledgeable perspective that supports your thesis.
Give That Introduction a Hook!
A good hook demonstrates that you know your audience and that you understand what they care about. Most importantly, it makes the reader want to keep reading.
How Do I End My Essay? Part 1
A lot of writers struggle to finish their essays. The Call To Action is one of our favorite techniques. Here’s how you do it. Part 1 in a 5 part series.
Mixtape 3 / Frozen
“The only truth is music.” ― Jack Kerouac